Forums Main H&B 4×4 Response Group Forums General Chatter Responder Manager "tweaks"

  • Creator
  • #6535
    Derek Bagshaw
      • Responder
      • Trustee
      • Controller

      Axel has been very busy making a lot of alterations to Responder Manager, some larger than others.

      One change that may be overlooked is the choice of eight “themes” or colour schemes. Depending on which device you use it may be more comfortable to view Responder Manager using a different theme.

      To find them, log into Responder Manager, on the main menu page click on the “my settings” tab.

      On the next screen click on the “system settings” tab

      The sixth option “style”, has a drop down box which gives the choices, the default is called CMSS

      From the drop down box click on your choice from the list, then click on OK.

      A pop up box will ask you to confirm that you want to save the changes, after clicking OK you will be logged out

      When you log back in the new theme will be presented.

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    • Author
    • #7563
      Derek Bagshaw
        • Responder
        • Trustee
        • Controller

        Axel has been busy again

        When you log into Responder Manager there is now a button for Met Office warnings, clicking on the button brings up a list of warnings. Each area has a description of the warning and the second column has a link to a weather map showing geographical details.

        [attachment=0]met office.jpg[/attachment]

        Tony Stanford-Beale
          • Managment Team

          A thought (albeit more work for Axel), is it possible that the h&b logo on Responder Manager be updated/ synchronised with the status colour scene adopted by Mike on Facebook for our status ie Standby and Deployed etc?

            • Trustee

            Already been noted, we are working on that in the background.

            By we I refer to Axel and Phil.


            Derek Bagshaw
              • Responder
              • Trustee
              • Controller

              Another couple of useful additions can be found on the “Home page”. The number of buttons has been reduced and some drop down menus added. Tap on the weather link and there is a very useful weather map, tap on help and there is the option to open the Responder manual. The manual is currently being rewritten to include these and any more changes and updates.

              Derek Bagshaw
                • Responder
                • Trustee
                • Controller

                There have also been changes to the Controller pages with more options included in the drop down menus

                A Controller manual will also be produced.

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