Forums Main H&B 4×4 Response Group Forums Introductions New member from Portsmouth

  • Creator
  • #9820
    Ex Member

        Hi my name is Ben (HR323)

        A bit about me I am former mechanic I trained on classic cars and land rover, jaguar. I still tinker with car and bikes but a lot of them have to much electric for my like now.

        I currently work for a portable toilet hire company ( a sh*t job I know). So have experience off roading in not so suitable vehicles and working large events.

        I have a td4 Freelander that is my pride and joy. It my but small but it can keep up with the big boys.

        Looking forward to helping out where I can and am keen to learn new skills.

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      • Author
      • #9821
        Derek Bagshaw
          • Responder
          • Trustee
          • Controller

          Hi Ben welcome to our group

          Graham Middleton
            • Trustee

            Hi Ben,   Welcome aboard.

            Ben Rowlands
              • Responder

              Hey newbie friend hahahha

              Before my disco I ran an L series FL1 and followed overland defenders across sailsbury plain with ease and then I did same with a td4 freelander and even had that set up with a roof tent and awning and went camping in her alot and laning and she handled it very well, the freelander is such an under estimated vehicle, very capable in the right hands , if you need a hand pal give me a shout as I did all my maintainace myself so have a fairly good idea of them lol.

              Look forward to seeing you about bud 👍 😀

              Derek Bagshaw
                • Responder
                • Trustee
                • Controller

                Welcome to the club, look forward to meeting you.



                ROY BOOTH
                  • Responder

                  Hi Ben,

                  Welcome to the club, you beat me to it by one I’m HR324.  Seems like we have a few things in common, I’ve got a Freelander 2 SD4 HSE LUX which I’ve just bought and am very happy with, I’m also into classic cars, I own a Caterham 7 which I built from a kit in 2000 and have toured and tracked quite a bit.  I try to do most of the maintenance (except major rebuilds) on her myself.

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