Forums Main H&B 4×4 Response Group Forums Introductions How did you hear about us??

  • Creator
  • #6360
    Phil Martin
      • Trustee

      Hi all.

      Time for a bit of market research!

      How did you hear about Hampshire & Berkshire 4×4 Response?

      Let us know via what medium (Radio, Press etc.) and the name please.



      Trustee & Webmaster/Membership
      HAM callsign: M6BGF

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)
    • Author
    • #6706
      Andrew Brierley

          Trained off-road with Pete Bickley of Suffolk Rover Response who wetted my appetite, then did some digging on the internet through the National forum

          Peter Beaumont

              People at Thames Valley 4X4 then had a look my self then joined

              Kevin Blain
                • Responder

                Welcome along Pete.


                Andrew Marchant

                    Friends in my Land Rover club (BHCLRC) are already 4×4 response members.

                    I liked the sound of it, but no longer living in Cambridgeshire made it a little impractical!

                    Found the national response website from the BHC responder site, and then found the local group… I only had to wait for my insurers to say “yes” :D


                    Chris Thompson 2

                        I heard about 4×4 response from a guy on Toyota Landcruiser Owners Club forum and googled for a group local.


                            Heard about it from kev, when I was doing a 4×4 experience in his disco near reading, if he’s still around? had a goatee or something seem to remember

                            Jamie Beattie

                                I. Heard off a frends les ward who is no longer a member

                                simon cragg
                                  • Responder

                                  Via the national 4×4 response web site, then on to HB4x4R….

                                  Ian Gordon

                                      I first heard about this group from Andy when we met one time at a Raynet event, and since I live within a mile of the borders with both Hampshire and Berkshire (in Camberley) and had already joined the Surrey Group (which I heard about through a local government newsletter) I thought I should join this group as an Associate Responder as otherwise I’d be “wasting” more than half the ground I can sensibly respond in.

                                      Ex Member

                                          Looked on web had 4×4 thought must be like minded people out their that can use their expertise out to help others.

                                          Adam Taylor-Ross
                                            • Responder

                                            Saw ” 4×4 response” represented at both Peterborough and L2B and thought I’d like to do more too :D


                                                Nothing very original from me, just Googled 4×4 clubs


                                                Defender 90

                                                Brian Billsberry
                                                  • Responder

                                                  I did some research on the web, liked what I saw and then got in touch with Andy Cunningham.

                                                  Trevor Elliott
                                                    • Responder

                                                    Info from another 4×4 group and then googled to find my local group

                                                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                                                    Peter Marke
                                                      • Responder

                                                      Hi There

                                                      I am a member of SADLRC (Solent & District Land Rover Club)

                                                      At one of our Monthly Meetings we had a visit and talk from Wessex 4×4 Club, explaining the 4×4 response club what they do etc.

                                                      From this I then googled and found Hampshire 4×4 and then joined :-)

                                                    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)
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